How to Enjoy Healthier Foods and Avoid Fast Foods

The best way to manage your nutrition while on the road is by planning in advance and having your food prepared to come with you. BUT maybe you had to go somewhere unexpectedly, the food wasn’t ready so you couldn’t bring it with you, you were out longer than you thought you would be, and now you are really hungry. Normally you would pull up to the first fast food restaurant you can find and order a burger with fries and a large pop. You know it isn’t “bad” for you to do that from time to time BUT….you want to make healthier choices, so what do you do?

FIRST you remember WHY you want to live a healthier lifestyle. If your why is important enough to you, you won’t want to make choices that take you further from your goals. Make sure your why has meaning to you!

THEN, you change your programming!! You change your thoughts in advance by mentally preparing for a healthier choice, therefore, reducing your cravings and your desire to go for the unhealthy choice. For example, if you are thinking about a burger, you are going to want a burger. But if you are thinking about a wrap loaded with veggies, you are going to want a wrap loaded with veggies. Do you see what I mean?

Stopping at the nearest fast food drive-thru and ordering the same thing you always order is a habit. You are so use to doing it that it doesn’t even occur to you to order something else…or to even go to an entirely different restaurant. Now is the time to create a new habit!!

How do you do this?

  • You make a list of places you could choose to go to instead. (Remember that many restaurants take online orders for pickup).
  • Once you have chosen your restaurants, you make a list of healthier food options that you would enjoy from each of these restaurants. CREATE a physical list that will be with you at all times. I suggest keeping it in NOTES in your phone.
  • Create a directory in your phone so that you can easily access menus for online ordering.
  • Remind yourself that the decision to make healthy choices is what you CHOOSE to do, not what you HAVE to do to live well.

Eating healthy on the road IS possible when we change our programming.

Need some healthy food suggestions?


  • Fruit, yogurt and granola
  • Oatmeal – add nuts and fruit
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Omelet – with plenty of veggies, hold the cheese and have no side dishes
  • Breakfast sandwich – choose whole grain toast, little cheese (not processed), skip the sausage/meat.


  • Choose whole grain bread.
  • Add only real cooked meat.  No processed meat.
  • Keep cheese to a minimum.
  • Fill it with vegetables.
  • Use condiments sparingly.
  • Add hummus instead of condiments.


  • Choose a salad with a variety of vegetables and dark greens.
  • Include lean protein such as chicken, fish or beans.
  • Choose a vinaigrette dressing instead of cream-based dressing.
  • Order salad dressing on the side.
  • Use salad dressing sparingly.


  • Choose a soup with plenty of vegetables and protein.
  • Opt for a broth soup rather than a cream-based soup.

Eat well, live well!!

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