Between get-togethers with friends/family, work, volunteering, taking kids to games/practices, regular every day responsibilities, shopping for Christmas, etc, etc, etc….many people find it more challenging to stick to their healthy eating plans. However, with some defensive eating and cooking, you WILL stay on track with your wellness goals without needing to “go on a diet” in January.

Before I offer you tips on how to stay on track this holiday season, I want to remind you that it is OK to indulge or overeat once in a while. Balance is part of what it means to LIVE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. It is when it turns to excess that we get into trouble.

Consider the effects of excess sugar, fat, and alcohol on the body:

  • Excess sugar leads to high blood pressure, inflammation, fatty liver disease.
  • Excess fat leads to heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis, fatty liver disease, and depression.
  • Excess alcohol over time leads to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems.

If you are into managing your weight, remember that:

  • 1 cup eggnog = 230 calories = 57.5 minutes to walk off*
  • 3 sugar cookies = 220 calories = 55 minutes to walk off*
  • 2 squares of fudge = 180 calories = 45 minutes to walk off*
  • ½ c. spinach dip = 180 calories = 45 minutes to walk off*
  • 6”baguette = 200 calories = 50 minutes to walk off*
  • 5oz glass of wine = 120 calories = 30 minutes to walk off*
  • 1 can of beer = 100-140 calories = 25-35 minutes to walk off*
  • Cocktail drink = 120-800 calories = 30-200 minutes to walk off*

*based on walking 5km/h

Now I am not saying “don’t indulge”. I can guarantee that I will be (have been😉) enjoying these tasty, little devilish morsels myself. You only live once….enjoy it! What I am saying is, if you want to stay in control of your healthy habits, feel good, and maintain the success you have gained so far, then here are some ideas that will help.

  • PLAN YOUR INDULGENCE – Know what you are going to have and when you are going to have it. This is a mind game. When you are thinking only about the indulgence you choose, you are less likely to be tempted by other items that will present themselves to you.
  • CHOOSE WISELY – It isn’t necessary to try everything that is put in front of you. Choose the foods that you know you will enjoy most.
  • EAT SLOWLY – And wait 10 minutes before grabbing more food. Your brain takes 20 minutes to register that your belly is full.
  • PREPARE MEALS IN ADVANCE – Life gets busy. Store prepared meals in the refrigerator or freeze for when needed.
  • USE A CROCKPOT – Place the food in the pot in the morning and it’s ready for you when you get home. If mornings are tight, cut and prepare the foods the night before.
  • PREPARE YOUR OWN GRAB-AND-GO SNACKS – Store containers in the fridge: carrots and celery with hummus or fruit and a handful of nuts.
  • EAT BALANCED MEALS THROUGHOUT THE DAY – 1/2 plate veggies, 1/4 protein, 1/4 grain. Protein and fiber will keep you full and help prevent over-indulgence.
  • DRINK PLENTY OF WATER – Fluids are the easiest way to boost your energy and to flush out toxins. This will also help you control your appetite.
  • LIMIT ALCOHOL INTAKE – Have a glass of water between drinks to help avoid dehydration and over-consumption.
  • GET ACTIVE – enjoy time with loved ones by going for a walk. PLAN your workouts!! Our bodies love to move! Being active will also support digestion.
  • BE KIND TO YOURSELF – If you do go off track, accept it and move on. Beating yourself up isn’t going to do anything but make you feel worse. Love yourself always, no matter what!!

Although food is an integral part of the holidays, PUT THE FOCUS ON FAMILY AND FRIENDS, LAUGHTER AND JOY!! Remember your reasons for living well.


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