Total Body Tube Workout

Working out at home or on the road doesn’t require a lot of space or equipment.

Resistance bands/tubes offer variety and convenience for effective strength training and toning exercise programs. They come in various tension levels, therefore allowing progressive overload…meaning that you can gradually increase the stress put on each muscle group for increased strength and muscle development. They are also light and compact, which makes them easy to store when not in use and to pack into a suitcase for travel.

Here is a quick, 7-exercise workout to get you started!!

For this program, you will need a door attachment and tube with handles. Insert the door attachment behind the door as shown.

Move to the other side of the door, adjust the attachment to chest level for the beginning of this workout, and close the door to secure it in place. Insert the tube through the loop as shown. Be sure that the loop is at the center of the tube and there is equal tension when a handle is in each hand.

Always remember to warmup before starting any exercise program. This means that you go for a 5-minute walk, rotate your shoulders, do arm curls and standing chest press without weights, butt kicks, knee-ups, walk jacks…do anything that you can think of to get the blood flowing to all joints of the body. Also be sure to wear comfortable clothing, proper footwear, and to always keep water nearby. To reduce the risk of injury and to increase the effectiveness of the workout, always ensure proper exercise form.

Perform this workout every other day and do 1-4 sets of each exercise. The tube should never look or feel loosey-goosey. There should always be just enough tension for you to challenge your muscles with good form. Remember to stretch after your workout and ALWAYS HAVE FUN!!

Chest press

Stand with your back toward the door, with a handle in each hand. Elbows are out to the side and bent to a 90-degree angle. Your wrists and elbows should be in line with the chest. Place one foot forward and one foot backward for stability. Engage your core and chest muscles as you slowly push both arms straight out in front of you. Keep all muscles engaged as you slowly bring your arms back to starting position. Perform 10-15 repetitions.

Backward lunge

Stand facing the door with a handle in each hand. Engage your core, glutes, and legs as you slowly step back on to your toe and lower your knees so that your back knee is approximately 4 inches from the floor. Keep your chest lifted and your shoulders over your hips at all times. Keep all muscles engaged as you slowly return to starting position and repeat on the other side. Perform 10-20 repetitions.


Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Knees are bent to help with stability. Keep your chest lifted and your shoulders over your hips at all times. Engage your core, glutes, and back muscles. Draw the shoulder blades together as you slowly bring your elbows back to your sides. Keep all muscles engaged as you slowly return to starting position. Perform 10-15 repetitions.

Forward lunge

Stand facing away from the door with a handle in each hand. Engage your core, glutes, and legs as you slowly step forward on to your heel and lower your knees so that your back knee is approximately 4 inches from the floor. Keep your chest lifted and your shoulders over your hips at all times. Keep all muscles engaged as you slowly return to starting position and repeat on the other side. Perform 10-20 repetitions.

Arm curl

Stand facing the door with a handle in each hand. Knees are slightly bent for stability. The arms are straight out in front of you with palms up. Engage your core, glutes, and arm muscles. Keep your elbows up as you bend them and bring your hands toward your shoulders. Keep all muscles engaged as you slowly return to starting position. Perform 10-15 repetitions.

Side lunge

Stand facing the door with a handle in each hand. Engage your core, glutes, and legs as you slowly step out to the side and bend your knee to approximately a 90-degree angle. Keep your chest lifted and your shoulders over your hips at all times. Keep all muscles engaged as you slowly return to starting position and repeat on the other side. Perform 10-20 repetitions.

Tricep pushdown

Adjust the door attachment so that it is just above eye level. Stand facing the door with your feet about hip distance apart and a handle in each hand. Knees are slightly bent for stability. The arms are bent with palms down and your elbows close to your sides. Engage your core, glutes, and arm muscles. Keep your elbows close to your sides as you push your hands down to your thighs. Your wrists stay straight and your palms face behind you. Keep all muscles engaged as you slowly return to starting position. Perform 10-15 repetitions.