Using Motivation, Specific Action and Discipline to Reach your Goals

Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing. – John Maxwell


Motivation is why you want to achieve your goals. For example, I want to exercise more often so that I have the strength, flexibility and stamina to play with my kids and grandkids. I want to eat healthier so that I have more energy, avoid disease and enjoy a long, healthy life with my loved ones.

Specific action:

Specific action is what you do to get results. For example, I am doing strength training and cardio exercises Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 9am; and stretching for 10 minutes daily to achieve my exercise goals. My workouts are prepared ahead of time so that I know what I am doing in each session. I am eating good-quality, healthy foods 80% of the time. I have a plan for each meal and snack, and my food is prepared ahead of time for busy days. I stick to my plan each day.


Controlling your thoughts and behaviours. Exercising self-control. When motivation is lost, discipline keeps you going. It is doing what you need to do even when you don’t want to do it.

Discipline helps you do the right thing to reach your goals when you want to fall off track. Motivation inspires you to keep going.

How to find your motivation:

  1. What is my reason for wanting to achieve my goals?
  2. How will this positively affect my life?
  3. How will it positively affect the lives of those around me?
  4. How will I feel when I reach these goals?
  5. Why is this so important to me?

How to determine what specific actions are required to reach my goals:

  1. What behaviours am I ready to change?
  2. What attitudes am I ready to give up?
  3. What actions am I ready to do to get me moving in the direction of my goals? How am I going to do it? Where? Who will I do this with?
  4. Where will these actions fit in my schedule?
  5. What is my backup plan for the days that don’t go as planned?

Finding your motivation and determining the actions required to reach your goals is important. But you MUST also STAY DISCIPLINED!

Tips to stay disciplined:

  1. Make a decision to commit to change. Know which behaviours you are required to change and commit to changing them!
  2. Maintain a good attitude and sense of control over your choices. Choose your thoughts and words carefully. “I get to do my workout today” rather than “I have to do my workout today”. OR “I choose to make healthy foods choices” rather than “I have to make healthy food choices”.
  3. Stay connected to your motivation. Remember your why! Motivation is the fuel that keeps you going.
  4. Have a clear, unshakable vision of your results! Believe that you can and will reach your goals! This goes back to choosing your words carefully. “I will reach my healthy living goals” rather than “I hope I reach my healthy living goals”.
  5. Get support. This can be a coach, personal trainer, nutritionist, support group, friend or family member. You don’t have to do it alone.

Self-discipline is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Take action! Step out of your comfort zone! Get good at being uncomfortable! Embrace it! Activate your superpowers! Show yourself that you can handle your discomfort! SUCCEED!!

“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” – Abraham Lincoln

If you would like more help with your wellness goals, e-mail for a free assessment to get you started.